Little Sisters Fund | Little Sisters score top marks on national exams…again!
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Little Sisters score top marks on national exams…again!

Little Sisters score top marks on national exams…again!

2018 is shaping up to be a great 20th anniversary year for Little Sisters Fund.

The Little Sisters are graduating at the top of class, excelling on national exams, and pursing college degrees that they would have never imagined even in their wildest dreams. Soon, these amazing girls will become doctors, nurses, dentists, physical therapists, and engineers.

Since 1998, we have kept over 2,800 girls in school who would have otherwise dropped out and gotten married at a young age, been engaged in child labor, or worse yet, fallen victim to sex trafficking. We are immensely grateful for everyone’s support that makes our work possible.

In Nepal, the Little Sisters are preparing to celebrate Dashain, which is one of the most important holidays of the year (think Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Years all wrapped into one!). They’ll spend the week out of school and away from work, spending time celebrating with family and friends. Please join us in wishing everyone in Nepal a festive week!

With gratitude,

Trevor Patzer and Usha Acharya
Co-Executive Directors

School Entrance Exam Results

q3_2018_seeThe Little Sisters achieved remarkable success on the School Entrance Exam (SEE), which is a national exam taken by all 10th graders. Of the 218 Little Sisters who took the SEE, 15% got an A+, which is 5.6 times the national achievement rate for girls. 68% of these girls received top marks (A+, A, or B+) compared to only 21.5% of girls nationally, effectively tripling the national rate for girls. We are extremely proud of these results.

And while we are on the topic of exceptional exam results, the Little Sisters also more than doubled the national 12th grade achievement results. Of the 119 Little Sisters who took the exams, 32 scored in the highest category and 72 scored in the second highest category. We are still waiting on results from 15 girls. We anticipate a few of them may have scored in the third highest category but the majority of these 15 girls will have scored in the top two categories.

Way to go, girls!

Little Sister Spotlight: Sabina

sabinaMeet Sabina. Sabina is six years old. After her mother went to Kuwait to find work, Sabina’s father could not manage being a single dad while making enough money to support her education. He felt his only option was to take her out of school. But when he heard about LSF, he realized he had another option and immediately dropped off an application in hopes that his daughter could continue her education and have a chance at a better future. Sabina is now in school and very happy. She loves meeting friends at school, doing her homework with her father’s help, and spending time with her father at his mineral water shop. Her favorite subject is Computers and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

Sabina still needs a sponsor to ensure she can graduate from high school and study hard so that she can receive a assistance from LSF’s Health Care Opportunity Fund and live out her dream of becoming a doctor.

If you want to be that special person and follow along on Sabina’s journey to become a doctor, email Trevor at [email protected].

Program Spotlight: 950 Reusable Sanitary Pad Kits Distributed

q3_2018_mhmWe are nearing the end of the inaugural year of our Menstrual Health Management Program and it’s been a great first year! In 9 months, we distributed over 950 reusable sanitary pad kits to Little Sisters throughout Nepal. Every girl who received a kit also took part in a workshop on menstrual health education and learned how to properly use and care for their new reusable pads. And we’re not done. Before the end of the year we will distribute an additional 200 kits.

This program is all about breaking the taboo around menstruation and teaching girls that it is totally a totally natural process that all women experience. We are already receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback. Many Little Sisters not only expressed their gratitude for the kits, but they also reported that they are more confident and informed about their cycles and more empowered to effectively manage their periods. To top it off, many girls who previously missed school due to their periods are now not missing nearly as much school!

Thank you to everyone who made the launch of the Menstrual Health Management program possible. We are excited to witness its impact on the lives of the Little Sisters over the years!

Support Little Sisters Fund

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